The best way to improve society is to make sure the next generation understands the importance of helping others. One charity is doing just that. They are giving away $1,000 to teenagers.

Charity foundation helping young generation help those in need
However, the money is not for the kids to use for themselves. The charity foundation has instructed the young kids to give away that money. Moreover, they can give it to a friend, loved one, neighbor, or role model. They can literally give it to anyone they see fit.
Moreover, this is not the first time the VING Project has given away money to teenagers. For the past six years, they have given a lot of money away to teenagers who wanted to do something kind for a person outside of their family.
According to WGN-TV, the foundation was launched by Liz Lefkofsky. Lefkofsky is the wife of Groupon co-founder Eric Lefkofsky. She wanted to give teens the opportunity to experience their own philanthropic experience.
Do Gooders between 14 and 18 allowed to apply for the money
Those interested must submit a 2-minute video explaining why they want to give the money to their nominee. If they are chosen, the money is sent directly to them so they can personally give it to their nominee. Moreover, those between 14 and 18 are allowed to send in their nominations to the VING Project.
These young philanthropists are also giving the money to coaches, co-workers, out-of-work neighbors, and even those dealing with a loss. One young lady who got $1,000 gave it to her friend’s family, whose father passed away from a heart attack.
One can only appreciate the work that the VING Project is doing. During this time of chaos and uncertainty, it’s best to show the next generation that people can truly be kind to one another and support those in need.
Doing good for others is a very cool and fun way to make the world a better place. Enabling our youth to help others will certainly put more good in the world. We love hearing stories of people and companies doing good. Share with us in our comments section if you know of a do good story!