The current situation is particularly distressing for healthy retirement center residents. They have to endure long separation from their loved ones. However, residents of the Williamsburg Senior Living Community, ages 75 to 101, got to see their relatives on May 1, if only in passing.
The Williamsburg Senior Living Community organized a “Krewe of Karona” parade. A convoy of 60 cars drove by with the relatives as passengers. Families and friends threw kisses, gave air hugs, and sent encouragement.
Birthday parades
It was Doveal Austin Essex’s 99th birthday on May 9. Celebrations came with a birthday parade in Southern Heights neighborhood on 79th Avenue. The lawn tastefully decorated and the walls adorned with Happy Birthday sign message. Near and dear ones drove by, waving, honking horns, and wishing her a great day with balloons, cards, signs, and cakes.
Another parade took place to celebrate the 90th birthday of Bernice Thomas. Her family, friend’s grandchildren organized a surprise parade. Thomas got dewy-eyed with all the love and affection showered on her as she gazed at the many cars passing by serenading her, bringing gifts, and waving homemade signs.
Angels among us
Peggy and Bruce Broussard call themselves a band of angels in the Shadowbrook neighborhood off South Harrell’s Ferry Road. The last couple of days have been particularly hectic. Most of the time taken up for distributing masks and gloves at the homes of elderly residents.
Peggy Broussard talked to and said, “It was so neat to watch them. They knocked on the doors and sang ‘You Are My Sunshine’ as they handed out the much-needed articles. There were lots of tears and smiles as they wandered through the complex.”
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