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Giving Back Past Debt
The motivation for doing the Samaritan act came from Samantha’s previous year’s experience. Mudge worked without a paycheck during the federal government shutdown. It was generous to get help from others, which helped her see over the lean period.
Talking to Securitytoday.com, Mudge said, “So many people helped us during the government furlough. So I felt that I needed to do something to support others.
Little Acts Of Kindness
Mudge is a veteran of 13 years with the TSA and works in the early 3:15 AM shift at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI). Mudge made 25 masks with her crochet. They were complete with the symbolic ‘thin blue line,’ which is representative of law enforcement. They were dropped at the local Sheriff’s office. Accompanying the masks was a box of submarine sandwiches from a local shop and a couple of pounds of shrimp from a local grocery store.
Mudge did not stop and wanted to do more. CalvertHealth Medical Center in Calvert County received 50 masks sewed by Mudge. The local Walmart pharmacy workers had no masks, so she donated 30 masks to them. She gave a bagful of masks to healthcare workers who were standing outside, waiting for food at a BBQ restaurant.
Mudge said to Securitytoday.com, “I guess you could say they were all random acts of kindness. It’s just spreading some kindness during these unusual times.”.
Mudge’s unexpected generosity is widely appreciated, just like she and her TSA colleagues were grateful to the public for supporting them during the government shutdown.
Doing good can start a chain reaction of more good. Samantha Mudge was a recipient of good and turned that into more good. You probably know of scenarios like this one, share it with us in our comments section. We would love to hear about it and maybe share it with everyone!