There are reasons why some companies are rated best and the biggest reason is the way they care for employees. A great leader understands the dynamics and takes timely action to boost morale and build trust. This is exactly what Sundar Pichai, CEO Google, and Alphabet, did when he announced a full-day off to help de-clutter the work-from-home stress.
Work-Life Balance
Almost all companies are struggling to remain aloft amidst an ongoing global health crisis due to a sudden drop in demand and challenges of delivering goods and services due to the absence of a regular workforce. Whoever could manage to work either from home or on the front-line are under tremendous pressure to keep the engine ignited.
Visualizing the stress building and burnouts, Sundar Pichai took the initiative and announced a well-deserving day’s off to maintain a work-life balance.
Acknowledging the symptoms of burnouts Pichai wrote an email to employees, as reported by CNBC, and announced an official day off on May 22.
“Take the time to do whatever you need to do to prioritize your well-being,” he wrote in the email.
Scoop: In a late night email to employees, Sundar Pichai told Google workers that it plans to begin reopening offices globally at a 10-15% capacity starting in June. He also addressed employee burnout, telling workers to take a day off in late May. https://t.co/gda2OtK4W7
— Jennifer E. (@jenn_elias) May 8, 2020
Small & Simple, But Touching Move
In times of crisis when people are finding it difficult to cope with work-from-home challenges with visible uncertainties, one-day off looks simple. But, this kind of small gesture helps in building a perfect ecosystem of dedicated employees.
A great leader understands, acknowledges, and takes timely action to strengthen the emotional bond. You can also do good as Pichai did by supporting your employees in times of crisis. It is not about big or small but acknowledging the pain and your involvement in reducing the pain.
Your small doing good gesture will act as healing touch and help you build a strong foundation for excellent productivity. Great leadership is all about caring and building a perfect ecosystem to help employees flourish. Keep doing good acts and the rest will shape up as per the plan of God.